DISCOVER – Distilling the current dynamics of the retail industry to reveal what might happen next

I started my process exploring past trends, investigating the current state of the retail ecosystem, and crafting my own hypotheses about what’s yet to happen in this space.


Next, I spoke with and surveyed numerous Generation Z shoppers in order to identify how they shop and what they need to know before deciding to buy something.

I rarely buy things that don’t have reviews.
— Female, 16
I’ve gotta have fast shipping and trustworthiness of the website I’m buying it from.
— Male, 22
I feel good knowing I’ve done my research.
— Female, 19
My favorite part about shopping is finding the best deal.
— Male, 17
If I know exactly what I want I check my preferred websites to see if there’s a price difference.
— Female, 25
I love finding new, different, fresh products I’ve never seen before.
— Male, 24

DEFINE – Determining how QVC Now can best resonate with a new shopper

Based on my research, I charted shopper needs vs. shopper wants to identify where QVC Now can make the most impact.


ARCHITECT – Setting the foundation for QVC Now

Once I decided to introduce a new brand underneath the QVC umbrella, I defined specific brand values and behaviors that could translate into a cohesive digital experience.


I created an identity system for QVC Now that reflects its personality as a playful, vibrant brand dedicated to inspiring and empowering shoppers.


DESIGN – Bringing QVC Now to life

I spent a long time creating low-fidelity wireframes in order to figure out how everything feels and works together.


I designed the interface with simplicity and digestibility in mind. I wanted the user to be presented one piece of information at a time so the experience feels conversational.


I exercised a lot of restraint when creating these concept flows because I wanted to make sure every feature and component has a function.


Tools: Google Forms, Physical Prototyping, Sketch, Illustrator, Photoshop, Keynote